University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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Policies and Procedures Updates

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FY 25

(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)

July 2024

FY 24

(July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)

June 2024

May 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

FY 23

(July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023)

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022

August 2022

FY 22

(July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022) 

June 2022

May 2022

April 2022

March 2022

February 2022

January 2022

December 2021

November 2021

October 2021

September 2021

August 2021

July 2021

FY 21

(July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021)

June 2021

April 2021

March 2021

February 2021

January 2021

December 2020

October 2020

September 2020

August 2020

  • 12.3.7 Equipment Loans to Faculty, Staff, or Students
    Added “Telecommuting Agreement” to the list of approved methods that units may use to document and approve equipment loans. Extended the length of time for which units may use a “Unit-designed sign-out sheet” to document equipment loans to less than one year. Reformatted the policy entry to present the content in a more succinct manner.
  • 18.12 Tax Status and Exemption
    Updated the Illinois Business Authorization Card found in the Certificate of Registration document.

  • 8.1.1 Business Meals, Refreshments, and Alcohol
    Updated 'Fund Type Limitations for Alcohol' to clarify that "Self-supporting funds with a Storeroom & Service Activities" are fund type, 3E.

  • 18.10 Human Subjects Payments
    Added, "an undocumented individual" as an example of someone who might refuse to provide tax reporting information.

July 2020

FY 20

(July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020)

June 2020

May 2020

April 2020

March 2020

February 2020

January 2020

December 2019

  • 8.11 Relocation Assistance
    The new policies 8.11 Relocation Assistance and related policies, 8.11.1 Relocation Assistance One-Time Moving Payment to the Employee and 8.11.2 Relocation Assistance Reimbursements and Direct Payments to Moving Vendors replace existing employee relocation assistance policies, 8 - Moving Reimbursements for Faculty, Administrators, and Academic Professional Staff and 8.6.8 Pay Professional Movers for Employee Moving Expenses in Section 8 of the Business and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual.

November 2019

October 2019

  • 1.5.1 How to Conduct Business Outside the State of Illinois
    Removed the phrase "Unites must bear this additional cost" from procedural step #7. The Office of Risk Management no longer charges back to units for this service.
  • 20 ID Cards, UINs, and Data Services - Responsibilities and Services offered by i-card Programs
    Added references to mobile identity credentials and token issuance/usage.
  • 18.2 Foreign Nationals
    Clarified fee information in "Third Party Payments" and "Tax Withholding and Exemptions" paragraphs.
  • 18.5 Fringe Benefits
    Expanded guidance in Bona Fide Business Purpose and Accountable Plan subsections to better describe expectations under  TCJA 2017 regulatory changes.

September 2019

August 2019

July 2019

FY 19

(July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019)

June 2019

May 2019

April 2019

March 2019

February 2019

  • 18.6 Sales and Use Tax/Goods and Services Tax 
    Updates in Michigan exemption forms under - Purchases from Other States. 
  • 10 Cash handling 
    An advisory note added in section 10.2.1, 10.2.5, 10.3.3, and 10.4.2, to inform users to download the Department Deposit form for offline use with Adobe Reader/Acrobat.
  • 13 Accounting - Non-Monetary Exchanges
    This new, consolidated policy replaces Identify a Non-Monetary ExchangeMethods of Valuing of Non-Monetary Exchanges, and Report a Non-Monetary Exchange.
  • 8.5 Vendor Setup and Maintenance
    This new policy contains a unified policy statement and procedure for the setup and maintenance of vendor profiles in Banner. This new policy listing replaces 8.5.1 Setup a New Vendor ID in Banner and 8.5.2 Update a Vendor ID in Banner.

January 2019

December 2018

November 2018

October 2018 

September 2018

January 2018

December 2017

  • 13 Accounting
    Consolidated policy FAQ with listing on Accounting & Financial Reporting FAQs.
  • 10 Cash Handling
    Updated "Has a shortage" listing on What to do if...

November 2017

October 2017

  • 13 Accounting - Account for Financial Activity of Revenue-Generating Events
    Published new policy and procedure that provides guidance to units on how to properly account for revenues and expenses related to various types of revenue-generating events including, but not limited to: conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, banquets, fundraising events, galas, and student/alumni events. This guidance applies to both University of Illinois System revenue-generating events as well as external revenue-generating events (in which the university unit is simply hosting/coordinating the event).
  • 4 Payroll - Process Employee Recognition Awards
    Updated policies and procedures related to making employee award payments. This update replaces the content found at “4 Payroll - Make Employee Award Payments in ANA” – now called “4 Payroll - Process Employee Recognition Awards”.
  • 15 Travel - Determine Approved Use of Department and Motor Pool Vehicles
    Updated "Request and Exception" procedure to show that System Offices employees must seek an exception from the senior associate vice president for business and finance.
  • 8 Payments and Reimbursements - Determine the Allowability of Serving Alcohol at an Event & 8 Payments and Reimbursements - Determine the Allowability of Business Meals and Refreshments
    Added policy language to clarify that "alcohol-related service fees" are subject to applicable System-wide and university-specific alcohol policies.
  • 22 Self-Supporting/Revenue Generating Activities - Request Approval for Self-Supporting Activities
    Updates clarify procedural requirements and better explain steps to be taken when seeking approval to begin revenue generating activities and establish a self-supporting fund. The updates also require that, if applicable, a fully executed contract must be in place prior to requesting a new self-supporting fund and before the revenue-generating activity begins. The Banner Fund, Program, and Index Code Request form has been updated to reflect these changes. Additionally, the title of this policy/procedure has been changed from "Request Approval for Self-Supporting Activities" to "Request Approval for Revenue-Generating Activities" to better reflect its applicability.
  • 11.6 Coding of Fundraising Costs
    Updated list NACUBO functions that are used to designate fundraising activities.
  • 18.6 Sales and Use Tax/Goods and Services Tax
    Clarified that purchases of alcohol are not exempt from sales tax in Kansas.
  • 5 Receivables
    Section updated to incorporate new design standards, including subsection numbering.
  • 11.1 University Gifts
    Updated authority/responsibilities to reflect that OBFS, "Reviews non-mandatory fund transfers involving Banner gift funds or Banner endowment income funds."
  • 14 Investments, Banking, and Internal Loans
    Section updated to incorporate new design standards, including subsection numbering.

September 2017

August 2017

July 2017

  • 4 Payroll and 18 Taxes
    Updated income tax rate for the state of Illinois to 4.95%.
  • 8 Payments and Reimbursements - Determine the Allowability of Business Meals and Refreshments
    “Tips up to a maximum of 20% of the total cost is reimbursable. T-Card payments of tips in excess of 20% of the total cost may be subject to deduction of the excessive T-Card charges from the Cardholder’s wages.”
  • 7.7 Procurement Conflicts of Interest
    The Office of Business and Financial Services has published a new policy section, 7.7 Procurement Conflicts of Interest in the Business and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual. This new policy and procedural information requires review of information disclosed by employees under the Report of Non-University Activity process as well as financial information disclosed by vendors in accordance with Sections 50-13 and 50-35 of the Procurement Code to determine if a prohibited or potential conflict of interest exists. Additional subsections included in this new policy describe prohibited conflicts of interest, potential conflicts of interest, conflict of interest review process, and the purchase order hold process.
  • 18.6 Sales and Use Tax
    Updated State/Canada Registration Information for Collection Sales and Use Tax/GST chart.

FY 17

(July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017)

June 2017

May 2017

April 2017

  • 10 Cash Handling - Definitions
    Added "Stale Dated Check" and "Postdated Check" to list of definitions.

March 2017

February 2017

January 2017

  • 7.6 The University Purchasing Card (P-Card)
    Minor updates to the "P-Card Authorization Agreement and Application" form.
  • 18.6 Sales and Use Tax
    Updated "Summary of States and Exemption Numbers" list.
  • 1 Introduction to Business and Financial Functions at the University of Illinois - How to Conduct Business Outside the State of Illinois
    Updated contact information for University Payroll and Benefits.
  • 18.12 Tax Status and Exemption
    Updated Registered Student Organization (RSO) exclusions to include sales tax exemptions.
  • 7.2 Purchasing Goods and Services
    Changes to 7.2 Purchase of Goods & Services
    Changes made throughout Section 7.2
    • Removed the term "bid limits" and replaced with "competitive solicitation threshold" or "small purchase limit" as applicable.

    7.2 - Overview

    • Updated delegation of purchase authority section
    • Ethical Purchasing Practice was updated to reference the State Officials and Employee Ethics Act and the Illinois Procurement Code. The descriptions of possible gratuities were removed because they were not all encompassing.

    7.2.1 - Competitive Solicitation Process

    • Defined the shared responsibility between a unit and Purchasing in defining requirements for a competitive solicitation.
    • Consolidated Board of Trustee approval requirements.

    7.2.2 - Exceptions to the Competitive Solicitation Process

    • Added "Gifts or Bequests" to the list and referenced Section 11 of the OBFS Policy & Procedure Manual.

    7.2.3 - Purchases below the Small Purchase Limit (Small Purchases)

    • Added requirements to demonstrate competition in the small purchase selection process.
    • Described how multiple quotes will be required for a purchase that is greater than $10,000.
    • Recommendation to solicit quotes from Business Enterprise Program (BEP) certified vendors, Small Business Set-Aside Program Vendors, or State-Use - Sheltered Workshops when available.
    • Created a Small Purchase Waiver form for purchases where competition cannot be demonstrated or when a small purchase is required from other than lowest-price vendor.

    Restricted Items and Purchases Requiring Special Approval

    • Pure Alcohol - consolidated the requirements for purchasing.
    • Electronic Services & Computer Software - Updated this subsection to address the following:
      • Identified computer software and electronic services as restricted purchases if the purchase is being made with a Purchasing Card (P-Card).
      • Updated the Electronic Services Purchased by P-Card & Software Purchase by P-Card forms to address Accessibility concerns.
    • Gift Cards/Gift Certificates - removed the requirements for Gift Cards/Gift Certificates and referenced Section 8 for additional information.
    • Postage Stamps - added a reference to Section 8 for payment of Postage Stamps.
    • Furniture and Fixtures - this subsection was removed and updated in its entirety to include:
      • Recommended use of Illinois Higher Education Cooperative furniture contracts.
      • Description of Purchasing's involvement for furniture purchases that exceed the small purchase limit.
      • Consolidation of the requirements for reviewing surplus for potential furniture requirements prior to purchase.
    • Printing Services - this subsection was removed and updated in its entirety to include:
      • Recommended use of University printing offices for printing services.
      • Consolidation of the requirements for print service vendors to pay prevailing wages.
      • Consolidation of the requirements for the use of soybean oil-based inks for printing services.
      • Removal of the requirements for use of soybean oil-based inks for printing services (as these requirements are addressed in the standard purchase order terms and conditions).
      • Reaffirms the requirements to obtain soybean oil-based ink and prevailing wage forms for purchases made using a P-Card.
      • Consolidation of the requirements for print services paid for using State funds.
    • Equipment Loaned to the University - Updated to contact Purchasing due to the varying nature and complexity of loaned equipment agreements.
    • Freight - This section was updated to address the following:
      • Recommends that pricing include shipping from the Vendor.
      • Requires that units facilitate payment of third-party freight vendors through Travel and Expense Management (TEM).
    • Expediting - This section was removed in its entirety because it did not provide any information relevant to expediting that was not addressed elsewhere in the OBFS Policy and Procedures Manual.

    Updated Forms

    • Small Purchase Waiver form
    • Electronic Services Purchased by P-Card form
    • Software Purchase by P-Card form

December 2016

November 2016

  • 18.12 Tax Status and Exemption
    Updated Registered Student Organization (RSO) exclusions to include sales tax exemptions.
  • 1 Introduction to Business and Financial Functions at the University of Illinois - How to Conduct Business Outside the State of Illinois
    Updated contact information for University Payroll and Benefits.

October 2016

  • 18.6 Sales and Use Tax
    Added new "Transportation and Delivery Costs (Shipping and Handling Charges)" and "Electronically Delivered Information" topics. Removed markup over cost in "Sales of Service" topic.
  • 15 How Your Personal Insurance Becomes Involved in a Claim
    Updated hyperlinks for "State of Illinois Self-Insured Motor Vehicle Liability Plan".
  • 1 Introduction to Business and Financial Functions at the University of Illinois - How the University Measures the Financial Health of Units
    Updated UA Business Plan to Eliminate Deficit form.
  • 18.12 Tax Status and Exemption
    Updated "IRS Exemption Letter".
  • 1 Introduction to Business and Financial Functions at the University of Illinois - Initiation, Review, and Approval of University Contracts and Leases
    Added AVP for Procurement Services as individual authorized to approve exceptions to standard contract templates.
  • 11.11 Establishment of Quasi-Endowments
    Updated hyperlinks to "Endowment Request for University Quasi-Endowments" and "Endowment Withdrawal Request for University Quasi-Endowments" forms.

September 2016

  • 18.10 Human Subject Payments
    Updated withholding information relating to income tax and Medicare.
  • 18.5 Fringe Benefits
    Updated withholding information relating to income tax and Medicare.
  • 22 Self-Supporting/Revenue Generating Activities - Collect and Report Sales and Use Tax
    Published updated and revised policy and procedure, which addresses commonly asked questions and clarifies a unified University-wide reporting requirement.
  • 18.2 Foreign Nationals
    Updated Resources for Foreign National Payments, removed Certified Accepting Agent reference, updated Foreign Source Income note, and updated Payments to Foreign Entities - W8 requirements.
  • 21 Merchant Cards
    Updated Additional Resources listed in several procedures, and updated Who To Ask information.
  • 1 Introduction to Business and Financial Functions at the University of Illinois - How the University Measures the Financial Health of Units
    Added updated UA Business Plan to Eliminate Deficit form.
  • 18.12 Tax Status and Exemption
    Added an IRS Affirmation Letter to Federal Taxes section.

August 2016

July 2016

FY 16

(July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016)

June 2016

May 2016

April 2016

March 2016

  • 1 Introduction to Business and Financial Functions at the University of Illinois: Comply with Anti-Bribery Laws
    Published new policy, "Comply with Anti-Bribery Laws".
  • 1.8: Conducting Business Outside the State of Illinois
    Section title changed from "Establishing Entities Outside the State of Illinois" to "Conducting Business Outside the State of Illinois. Procedures updated to reflect current process.
  • 6 - Insurance: Report a Claim for Property Damage
    Updated procedures to clarify process, based on type of property and how it became damaged.

February 2016

January 2016

December 2015

November 2015

  • 15 - Travel: University Motor Vehicles
    Changed UIC "Transportation Office" to "Campus Auto Rental Service".
  • 1.7: College and Administrative Unit Compliance with Required Fiscal and Administrative Control Standards
    Added "UA Business Plan to Eliminate Deficit" form.
  • 8 - Payments and Reimbursements: Determine Allowability of Serving Alcohol at an Event
    Removed reference to P-Card and added advisory text regarding other campus policies/requirements.

October 2015

September 2015

August 2015

July 2015

Last Updated: July 10, 2024