University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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7.2.3 Purchases below the Small Purchase Limit (Small Purchases)

Policy Statement

In conducting small purchase procurements for supplies, general services and construction, the University of Illinois System shall use practices that encourage reasonable competition and support small businesses, diversity, transparency, and other statutory requirements. Units are encouraged to seek diverse vendors (minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans) for purchases under the small purchase limit of $100,000 by requesting quotes from certified Business Enterprise Program (BEP) diverse vendors, State Use - Sheltered Workshops, or Small Business Set-aside Program (SBSP) when available.

The individual submitting a purchase requisition over $10,000 must document that at least three quotes were solicited from multiple vendors unless otherwise stated otherwise within this policy. When obtaining quotes for requisitions, users should include diverse vendors and small businesses (30 ILCS 500/45-45) whenever possible. If the requestor does not receive at least three quotes, documentation demonstrating the reason the vendor was selected must be documented within the requisition.

Reason for the Policy

Small purchase limits may be adjusted annually or by rules promulgated by the Chief Procurement Officer for Higher Education and published on the Illinois Procurement Bulletin for Public Institutions of Higher Education.

When making a small purchase the University of Illinois System shall ensure maximum reasonable competition and promote small businesses, diversity, transparency, and other statutory policies. Documentation of each purchase must be maintained in the procurement file. This policy outlines the procedures to meet these requirements. See 44 IL Admin Code 4.2020 for additional information.

Applicability of the Policy

The Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS 500/20) states the applicable source selection and contract formation requirements. This policy is applicable to all purchases subject to the Illinois Procurement Code that are below the small purchase/competitive procurement limit of $100,000.


[Expand All] | [Collapse All]

Small Purchases Greater Than or Equal to $10,000

Small Purchases Less than $10,000

Standing Purchase Order Requisitions

Professional and Artistic Services

Purchases under an Existing Contract


Dividing or planning procurements to avoid use of competitive procedures—known as "stringing"—is prohibited. A review for potential stringing may occur when the total value of three or more purchases for same or similar items exceed the small purchase limit during any 12-month period. The Purchasing Director and State Purchasing Officer will jointly determine if a competitive or other consolidated procurement is warranted.

Additional Resources

Restricted Items & Purchases Requiring Special Approval
iBuy Resource Page
Strategic Procurement Awards
Central Management Services - Business Enterprise Program Certification Directory
Small Business Set-Aside Program (SBSP)

First Published: March 2021 | Last Updated: October 2023 | Last Reviewed: October 2023