Reimbursements and Non-Payroll Payments
This section provides information regarding reimbursement to University of Illinois System employees, as well as other non-payroll payments. It includes an overview of requirements relating to travel and miscellaneous reimbursements to employees, as well as procedures for requesting reimbursements.
Additional information regarding reimbursements for employee travel may be found on the Emburse Enterprise Resource page. Information regarding travel and expense reimbursements to Foreign Nationals may be found in the Foreign Nationals section of the site.
Below are links to related policies and resources regarding reimbursements, gifts to employees, and prizes and awards.
Miscellaneous Reimbursements
Find information about reimbursement of cash purchases made by employees and other authorized individuals, including the U of I System’s exemption from sales tax.
Requesting Reimbursement
Review content on employee reimbursements expense reports processed within Emburse Enterprise, including processing deadlines.