University of Illinois System
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Train and Bus Travel

University of Illinois System employees must seek the lowest available fare that meets the needs of the system and the convenience of the traveler when making commercial bus or rail travel arrangements.

Preferred Payment Methods

The preferred method for purchasing commercial bus or rail tickets is a TCard. TCard holders may purchase commercial bus and rail tickets for employees and non-employees for qualified business travel within their unit. The traveler is responsible for retaining ticket stubs or itineraries required to process an expense report. 

If the person for whom the ticket was issued does not use the ticket for official University of Illinois business travel, the ticket must be returned to the issuing agency (or other provider) for a credit, minus any cancellation or transfer fees. The TCard holder is not allowed to receive a refund in cash or voucher.

Purchase of Tickets with Personal Funds

If an employee cannot pay with a preferred method, they may purchase approved system travel tickets using their own personal funds. If this method is used, employees are reimbursed for the ticket purchase on an expense report submitted at the completion of the trip. Appropriate receipts and approvals are required.

Internal Control of Tickets Purchased with TCard or Other Means

The employee is responsible for ensuring that any bus or rail tickets purchased in advance with system funds, via the TCard or other means, are utilized for appropriate system business travel, per University of Illinois, State, and Federal regulations.

Transportation Between Universities

To reduce costs and environmental impact, the preferred method of travel between Chicago and Champaign is UI Ride. The preferred method of travel between Chicago and Springfield is Amtrak or Greyhound (see Inter-University Travel). The state employee discount on Amtrak reduces the cost of one-way travel.