University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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15.1.2 Headquarters and Travel / Commuting to University for Fully Remote Employees

Policy Statement

Departments have the option, but not the obligation, to reimburse fully remote employees for unit-mandated travel to their university location (or other). Hybrid and in office employees are not eligible for reimbursement covered by this policy. Travel reimbursement for hybrid and in office employees is covered elsewhere in 15 Travel.

Reason for the Policy

To provide departments with the ability to reimburse fully remote employees for department-mandated travel on authorized system or university business.

Applicability of the Policy

All departments with fully remote employees.


Employees are on travel status while away from their University of Illinois System headquarters, their residence, or other authorized locations on authorized system or university business. Employees are not in travel status during their normal commute to and from work.

Travel status begins when employees leave their headquarters, their residence, or other authorized locations to go directly to their work destination. Travel status ends when employees return directly to their headquarters, their residence, or other authorized locations after completing system business.

Upon department approval, fully remote employees may be on travel status and eligible for reimbursement when making occasional trips to campus or additional locations.

When departments are making the decision to reimburse fully remote employees for travel, they should be consistent in making these decisions and are encouraged to keep written records of the unit’s policies on what qualifies for reimbursement. Units are further strongly encouraged to send its written policies to fully remote employees and ask employees to document their receipt and understanding of the unit’s policies.

Note: Reimbursements granted under this policy are subject to all the travel-related policies of the University of Illinois System including, but not limited to taxability of reimbursements. See Fully Remote Employee Travel / Commuting Tax Considerations.

For purposes of this policy, applicable terms are defined as follows:

Commuting—The round-trip mileage between the employee’s residence and headquarters is considered commuting. For employees who work fully on campus or additional locations, or work a hybrid schedule, travel for the purpose of commuting is not reimbursable.

Fully remote employees making occasional trips to campus or additional locations, is generally not considered commuting.

Commuting Area—Commuting area means the geographic area surrounding a primary work location that encompasses the localities where people live and reasonably can be expected to travel back and forth daily to work.

Headquarters—Headquarters is the location where employees perform the majority of their duties, usually the area within the city limits or a defined geographical area. An employee’s residence may be considered their official headquarters if a remote arrangement has been approved by the unit and an agreement has been made and documented for their residence to be designated as their headquarters. Civil Service and Academic Professional employees should be entered into a documented remote or hybrid working agreement.

Travel Mileage—Travel mileage begins at an employee’s residence or headquarters, depending on which one is closer to their work destination. For example, John and Mary traveled to the same destination. John’s travel mileage began and ended at UIC because he would have had to go to and from there for work that day even if he was not traveling. Mary’s travel mileage began and ended at her residence because it is closer to her work destination than UIC.

NOTE: Prior approval from the department head is required for exceptions or special circumstances.

Related Policies and Procedures

15 Travel

Additional Resources

State Finance Act (30 ILCS 105/12-3)

State of Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules

State of Illinois Legislative Travel Control Board Travel Guide

United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 5 Administrative Personnel

First published: May 2024 | Last Updated: May 2024 | Last Reviewed: May 2024