University of Illinois System
Accounting & Budgeting
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FOAPAL String Discrepancy Reports

NACUBO-Fund Type Discrepancy Report

This report lists expense balances on the operating ledger which reside on unallowable program code and fund code combinations. For example, if a state C-FOAP had an expense balance on a program code which was assigned with a 5000 "Stores and Services" NACUBO function, this would appear as an error as this is an unallowable combination.

Since this report only lists balances (not individual transactions), you will need to locate the details of the offending transactions by going to Banner page FGIBDST. Once there, enter the unallowable C-FOAP string identified within this report, and then go to the “Related” menu and select “Transaction Detail Information” [FGITRND]. From here, you will be able to see the individual transactions making up this balance. You will then need to investigate each transaction and complete an expense reclassification to move the expense to the proper C-FOAP to clear the NACUBO-fund type discrepancy.

If you need assistance, contact the applicable subject matter expert from UAFR by searching on “NACUBO” or “program code” within the Search box of the Business and Finance Who to Ask list.

Misclassified FOAPAL Report

This report lists FOP balances which contain operating ledger balances that are using an incorrect combination of fund, organization, or program code segments. For example, the three-digit department code embedded in the organization and program code of a state or ICR C-FOP should agree with each other. Items included in this report have been identified as items that could possibly contain misclassified transactions, given that they meet some of the qualifications that we look for when trying to identify misclassified transactions.

In addition, this report identifies balances that do not conform to the basic fund type FOAPAL design. For example, a "generic" program code (i.e., one that begins with a “19”, such as 191100) should only be used with certain types of funds (such as gift funds). If a state or ICR C-FOP used a generic program code, it would appear on this report, as that is typically not allowable.

This report can be used as a tool in identifying misclassified balances and can assist departments in quickly identifying these types of errors. However, it is not designed to identify all misclassified balances.

Since this report only lists balances (not individual transactions), you will need to locate the details of the offending transactions by going to Banner page FGIBDST. Once there, enter the unallowable C-FOAP string identified within this report, and then go to the “Related” menu and select “Transaction Detail Information [FGITRND]. From here, you will be able to see the individual transactions making up this balance. You will then need to investigate each transaction and complete an reclassification entry to move the transaction to the proper C-FOAP to clear the misclassified error.

The Misclassified FOAPAL Report also includes the department names of the fund, organization and program codes used. When correcting a misclassified CFOAPAL, please remember to contact the other department involved, if applicable.

If you need further assistance, contact the applicable subject matter expert from UAFR by searching on “C-FOAPAL Questions” or “Journal Vouchers” within the Search box of the Business and Finance Who to Ask list.

Who to Ask

For further details, contact the applicable subject matter experts listed in the Who to Ask list.