University of Illinois System
Buying & Contracts
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Card Roles and Responsibilities


Cardholders have the following responsibilities:

  • Purchases qualified U of U System travel-related expenses and business meals when using a TCard. Review the following for more information:
  • Purchases qualified U of I System-related goods or services when using a PCard. Review the following for more information:
  • Performs all required Cardholder functions in Chrome River
  • Creates an expense report in a timely manner that properly documents details and business purpose of each transaction.

Department Card Manager (DCM)

The Department Card Manager or DCM has the following responsibilities:

  • Supervises, administers, and monitors the card program for assigned business unit(s), under the direction of the Department Head.
  • Ensuring that all card transactions are processed and submitted in Chrome River.
  • Processing new card applications, including ensuring applicants complete the required training.
  • Validate that Authorization Agreement and Application Forms are completed correctly, sent to UPAY card services, and are retained within the unit.
  • Requesting changes to Cardholder profiles using the PCard software or TCard Solution (TCS) software
  • Collecting cards, following related procedures for cancellation of card privileges, and ensuring outstanding card transactions in Chrome River are processed and submitted for employees who leave the unit, the U of I System, or engage in noncompliant purchasing activities.
  • Notifying UPAY Card Services of employee departures or changes in home unit.
  • Suspending cards for employees on temporary leaves of absence, including but not limited to, maternity, medical or sabbatical.
  • Coordinate with UPAY Card Services to facilitate reimbursements to the system in accordance to signed card Authorization Agreement Form.

For more information, please review the following:

Manager Reviewer & Charge Code reviewer

The Charge Coder Reviewer (CCR) has the following responsibilities:

  • Performs all required CCR functions in the PCard software (optional)
  • Checks Chrome River regularly for items awaiting approval.
  • Reviews the C-FOAPAL for each transaction and updates if incorrect.
  • Assigns a Delegate to perform CCR functions in Chrome River. (optional)

The Manager Reviewer has the following responsibilities:

  • Performs all required Manager Reviewer functions in Chrome River
  • Checks Chrome River regularly for transactions awaiting review and approval.
  • Reviews each expense report and with the original, detailed, itemized receipt within 25 calendar days of its appearance in the Chrome River, in order for the transaction to post in Banner for financial reporting.
  • Checks and corrects, if necessary, the accounting C-FOAPAL used for each purchase.
  • Assigns a Delegate to perform Manager Reviewer.

Unit Head

The Unit Head is the employee responsible for making the administrative/financial decisions for the U of I System unit, and has the following responsibilities:

  • Provides budgetary and compliance oversight for the unit's card program
  • Identifies department employees who will be issued a PCard or TCard
  • Assigns card roles within the department, including DCMs, Delegates, and Cardholders.
  • Reviews and/or reconciles monthly financial reports and statements.
  • Establishes checks and balances and maximum segregation of tasks.

UPAY Card Services

UPAY Card Services oversees and administers the U of I System's Card programs, and has the following responsibilities:

  • Coordinates with designated Department Card Managers (DCM) to oversee and administer the U of I System's card programs.
  • Receives electronic card applications and properly executed card Authorization Agreement and Applicaiton forms.
  • Verifies the completion of the required training by Cardholder, Manager Reviewer, Charge Code Reviewer (CCR), DCM, and/or Delegate.
  • Submits approved card applications to the issuing Bank.
  • Administers and maintains the PCard and Tcard software.
  • Performs Help Desk services and activities.
  • Develops and delivers card program training.
  • Oversees card program compliance with applicable policies and procedures.
  • Acts as a liaison with the Bank and auditors.

Who to Ask

Use one of the following methods to contact UPAY Card Services: