Proper Use of UINs
The UIN is intended only to uniquely identify an individual and is considered "directory information" under the Family Educational Rights Protection Act (FERPA). As such, the UIN may be disclosed without the express written consent of the student (unless the student has elected to suppress the release of his/her directory information).
UINs may not be used:
- For authentication purposes to determine whether an individual is who he or she claims to be
- As a verbal or electronic login or password
- To obtain service without corroborating information
- To obtain any nonpublic information about an individual
If your unit has a system that uses UINs as a login, contact the i-card Help Desk at or 217-265-6464. They can suggest alternatives.
Last Updated: October 21, 2011 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: January 2002