University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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15.4.4 Determine Approved Use of Department and Motor Pool Vehicles

Policy Statement

In accordance with the Illinois Administrative Code Section 5040.350, University of Illinois System vehicles may be used only for public purposes and in the best interest of the state, or when authorized in writing by the Vehicle Coordinator. However, all authorizations must comply with the Administrative Code and the examples of approved use given below.


University vehicles, which include unit and motor pool vehicles, may only be used for public purposes, in the best interest of the state. Employees and student employees may only use university vehicles when operating them is part of their employment duties.

To determine approved use of unit and motor pool vehicles review the information below. If a role, job position, or activity is not listed in the categories below then employees cannot drive or ride in a university vehicle even if their unit has authorized it.

Use by Employees

Employees, including student employees, may drive or ride in university motor vehicles when they are operating the vehicle as part of their employment. Allowed use includes:

  • Vehicle use consistent with assigned duties.
    • To comply with State of Illinois guidelines, each employee using university motor vehicles must also submit a Motor Vehicle Insurance Certification form along with a certificate of insurance showing the required coverage. Recognizing that there could be a situation, such as a medical emergency, when an individual must use the assigned university motor vehicle for what the State of Illinois would deem "personal use," the individual must look to his or her personal automobile insurance carrier, to obtain insurance in the form of an "extended, non-owned automobile liability endorsement." The Internal Revenue Service considers this to be a taxable benefit. Consult 18.5 Fringe Benefits for additional information.
  • Traveling between places of system business, places of temporary lodging, places to obtain meals while on travel status, and/or other locations necessary to perform system employment-related duties, including, but not limited to, pick-up and return of a vehicle.
  • Employees may only use university vehicles between their home and place of work if, for example, due to the hour of arrival or departure they are beginning or ending a trip at home.
  • Commuting to and from an employee's workplace. The reasons for such use must be documented and approved annually by the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller.

For any other use of a university vehicle contact the applicable university motor pool office (below) for prior approval. Be prepared to submit a written justification.

Urbana-Champaign: Use the Facilities and Services portal for all vehicle requests and approvals.

Chicago: Call the CARS Reservation Office at (312) 996-2886 (6-AUTO).

Springfield: Contact Facilities and Services Motor Pool at (217) 206-6531.

Use by Students

Student employees may drive or ride in university vehicles when they are operating the vehicle as part of their system employment.

Registered student organizations may not rent university vehicles. Units may not authorize the use of university vehicles by a student organization. If a student organization needs to use a university vehicle because alternative transportation is unavailable, a unit may request student organization use of a system vehicle from the applicable university motor office. If written approval is granted, a commercially-insured motor pool vehicle must be used in accordance with 15.4.5 Determine When to Use Commercially Insured University Vehicle.

Transport of Non-Employees

Non-employees may be passengers in a university vehicle, driven by an employee or student employee, if the passengers are:

  • Participants of the system’s teaching, research, public service, medical research programs, and economic development
  • System and University High School students, when the travel is related to the system’s public engagement, teaching, research, or medical research programs
  • System students participating in official events and practices, including to and from the site of the planned activity, such as athletics and band
  • Passengers of University of Illinois Springfield shuttle service for students attending night classes or programs (due to lack of mass transit availability)
  • Passengers of a campus shuttle and commuter bus service provided exclusively for system faculty, staff, and students
  • Passengers in system police vehicles, for official system police business
  • Recruits to the system (faculty, staff, and recruits, including their family members)
  • Performers and guests of the system, members of the system community, and family members, who have a role in the activity or event
  • Visitors from peer institutions or researchers, as well as their family members
  • University Board of Trustees members, their guests, and family members
  • Donors or potential donors, their guests, and family members
  • Members of a registered student organization who have the prior written approval of the applicable university motor pool office who are riding in commercially insured motor pool vehicles
  • University of Illinois Foundation and/or Alumni Association staff.

Any other use of a university vehicle must be for public purposes and in the best interest of the system and authorized in writing by the applicable university motor pool office.

Unauthorized Use

Unauthorized use of a university vehicle includes, but is not limited to:

  • Transportation for shopping, meals, entertainment, recreation, or vacation purposes unrelated to the performance of system employment duties
  • Transportation of any person for any purpose unrelated to system business
  • Transportation of materials, equipment, supplies, tools, parcels, luggage, or other items unrelated to the performance of system business

Registered student organizations cannot request the use of university vehicles. Units may not authorize the use of university vehicles on behalf of a student organization.

Personal Use

Personal use of university vehicles is prohibited. De minimis personal use is considered an extension of business use and not personal use. Examples of de minimis personal use includes stopping for meals during business trips, medical emergencies, reasonable deviation from the direct route to reach hotels, restaurants, etc., during the normal course of conducting system business. Examples of inappropriate use would include using a university motor vehicle for shopping, entertainment, recreation, or vacation purposes unrelated to system business.

To request an exception, contact the applicable university motor pool office. Be prepared to submit a written justification.

Forms Used in this Procedure

Motor Vehicle Insurance Certification

Related Policies and Procedures

15.4.2 Become Eligible to Drive a University Motor Vehicle

15.4.5 Determine when to Use Commercially Insured University Motor Pool Vehicles

18.5 Fringe Benefits

Additional Resources

Illinois Administrative Code Section 5040.350

First published: September 2012 | Last Updated: May 2024 | Last Reviewed: May 2024