University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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15.2.2 Serve as a Department Card Manager (DCM)

Policy Statement

Department Card Managers (DCM) are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Travel Card (TCard) program within their assigned business unit. DCMs are also responsible for complying with all related record retention, state and federal laws, and University of Illinois System policies.

All units participating in the TCard program must have a DCM appointed by the unit head. This person serves as DCM for both the Purchasing Card (PCard) and TCard. All DCMs and their delegates must complete the Department Card Manager/DCM Delegate Training, the TCard Certification Course, and pass the assessment before they can assume DCM duties.

Reason for the Policy

DCMs must understand the day-to-day management and compliance responsibilities of their position.

Applicability of the Policy

Employees serving as a DCM for their unit.


A DCM is responsible for:

  • Supervising, administering, and monitoring the TCard activity of the business unit(s) assigned to them.
  • Ensuring that all TCard transactions are processed and submitted in Chrome River.
  • Processing new TCard applications.
  • Ensuring that applicants complete the required training and pass the certification quiz.
  • Validating that the TCard Authorization Agreement and Application Information Form and TCard Exception Request Form are:
    • Completed with appropriate authority level(s) signatures
    • Retained within the unit
    • Emailed to UPAY Card Services
  • Requesting changes to existing cardholder profiles using TCard Solution (TCS) software.
  • Collecting TCards, following related procedures for cancellation of TCard privileges, and ensuring outstanding TCard transactions in Chrome River are processed and submitted for employees who:
    • Leave their unit or the system
    • No longer need a TCard
    • Engage in excessive noncompliant use of the TCard in accordance with the Inappropriate TCard Use section of this policy
  • Notifying UPAY Card Services of employee departures or changes in home unit.
  • Ensuring that all TCard transactions are processed and submitted in Chrome River for employees who leave the system or change home unit.
  • Suspending TCards for employees on temporary leaves of absence, including, but not limited to, maternity, medical, or sabbatical.
  • Coordinate with UPAY Card Services to facilitate reimbursements to the system in accordance with the signed TCard Authorization Agreement form.

UPAY Card Services offers various consulting services to assist DCMs. Refer to TCard Services Offered by University Payables Card Services and TCard Roles and Responsibilities for additional information.

Related Policies and Procedures

Inappropriate TCard Use

TCard Services Offered by University Payables Card Services

Additional Resources

Chrome River Resource Page

TCard Solution (TCS)

TCard Certification Course

TCard Roles and Responsibilities

Travel Card (TCard) Training

First Published: September 2012 | Last Updated: May 2024 | Last Reviewed: May 2024