University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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12.3.4 Permanently Transfer Equipment with Researcher

Policy Statement

Units can permanently transfer equipment purchased from non-State appropriated funds to another university or non-profit institution when a Researcher transfers there from the University of Illinois System. Approvals from the Researcher, Unit Head, College Dean, University Property Accounting and Reporting (UPAR), and the Department of Central Management Services (CMS) at the State are required for all transfers. Approval from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) Export Controls Compliance Officer (UIC) or the OVCR Export Compliance Officer (UIUC) is required for export controlled and/or international transfers, and approval from the Sponsored Programs Administration (UIUC), Research and Sponsored Programs – Post-Award (UIS) or the Office of Sponsored Programs – Post Award (UIC) office is required for equipment purchased with sponsored project funds.

Do not move any equipment until all these steps and approvals have been completed.


To permanently transfer equipment to another university or non-profit institution:

  1. Consult Banner Fixed Assets to confirm that your unit is on record as the responsible organization for the equipment to be transferred and that it is titled to the State of Illinois.
  2. Determine that all the following criteria are met:
  • The equipment has been used by the University of Illinois System researcher for the purpose of facilitating research or for other sponsored activities including cost share commitments;

  • The equipment was purchased without use of State-appropriated funds;

  • The Researcher is leaving the University of Illinois System and needs the equipment to continue research or other sponsored activities at the Recipient Institution;

  • All data and software have been eliminated from electronic storage media on the equipment OR data and/or software remains stored on the equipment and (1) all agreements necessary to authorize the transfer of such data and/or software have been fully executed or (2) the unit has confirmed that there are no licensing, privacy, or other compliance issues associated with the proposed transfer; and,

  • The Recipient Institution has expressed willingness to accept responsibility for the equipment.

  1. Complete a Request to Permanently Transfer Equipment with Researcher form by filling out Sections 1 and 2 and the Schedule of Equipment. The Schedule of Equipment can also be completed in the Excel version and attached to the transfer form. Obtain the unit approvals in Section 3 of the transfer request form.
  2. Route the form to the appropriate university office as indicated in Section 4 of Request to Permanently Transfer Equipment with Researcher using the following guidelines:
  • Export-controlled equipment - route through the OVCR Export Controls Compliance Officer (UIC) or the OVCR Export Compliance Officer (UIUC).
  • Sponsored equipment - route through the Sponsored Programs Administration (UIUC), Research and Sponsored Programs – Post-Award (UIS) or the Office of Sponsored Programs – Post Award (UIC) office.
  • Non export-controlled and Non-Sponsored Equipment – route through UPAR.
  1. After the form is routed per the guidelines above, the remaining approvals will be obtained without unit involvement. Property Accounting obtains approval from CMS. CMS takes up to 30 days to approve or deny the request.
  2. Once all approvals are obtained, UPAR emails the completed form to the unit along with instructions to complete an Agreement for Permanent Transfer of Equipment.
  3. The unit completes the Property Accounting Contract Approval Routing Form along with the Agreement, obtains the Recipient Institution signature and forwards it to UPAR.
  4. UPAR will apply the Comptroller signature and then send the Agreement to the unit letting them know they can transfer the equipment. UPAR will process a disposal for the transferred equipment.

Forms Used in this Procedure

Request to Permanently Transfer Equipment with Researcher
Instructions to: Request to Permanently Transfer Equipment with Researcher
Property Accounting Contract Approval Routing Form (PA-CARF)
Agreement for Permanent Transfer of Equipment

Schedule of Equipment in Excel Format (optional)

Related Policies and Procedures

12.3.6 Loan Equipment to Another Institution
12.4.5 Remove Data from Electronic Devices
12.3.5 Other Permanent Equipment Transfer Situations

Last Updated: July 15, 2021 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: July 2021