University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures

5.2.4 Determine Whether a Student Charge Qualifies as a Receivable

Policy Statement

All goods and services provided by the University of Illinois System must be consistent with the system's mission of instruction, research, public service to the community, and economic development. Student Accounts Receivable (SAR) charges must also be consistent with the University's Undergraduate Guaranteed Tuition Program by not appearing to circumvent this Program through various incremental charges. Assessment does not guarantee payment, so SAR charges must be reasonably collectible if assessed outside the system's normal tuition and fee assessment process.


To determine whether a student charge qualifies as a receivable:

  1. Ensure that the charge is consistent with the system's mission and Undergraduate Guaranteed Tuition Program, and is reasonably collectible if assessed outside the system's normal tuition and fee assessment process.
  2. Follow the flowchart below:

Note: Requests to assess SAR charges outside the system's normal tuition and fee assessment process will be denied if the requested charges appear to contradict the University's Guaranteed Tuition Program or are determined to be not reasonably collectible. If the SAR charge request is denied, University Bursar will work with the requesting unit to develop an alternative payment solution.

Additional Resources

University's Undergraduate Guaranteed Tuition Program

Last Updated: January 10, 2019 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: March 2010