University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures

4.3.2 Process Payments for Employment-Related Agreements

Policy Statement

Employment-related agreements are executed under limited circumstances according to various university policies. These agreements include payments for any of the following:

  • Payments not related to services performed, such as:
    • Severance/Resignation/Retirement Agreements
    • Continuation of service
    • Liquidated damages related to employment
  • Lump sum payments (e.g. bonuses) received by an employee that are related to services rendered for a specific period of time that exceeds one academic year.

Only fully-executed agreements, bearing the appropriate approvals, are processed by University Payroll and Benefits (UPB). These payments are not subject to SURS withholding; however, all such payments are subject to federal and state income tax and Medicare/OASDI withholding (if applicable).


To process a payment for an employment-related agreement:

  1. Central Human Resources loads the executed Final Agreement into Web Xtender/BDMS (doc type: Agreement).
  2. Unit submits an ajustment to University Payroll & Benefits (UPB), using the PARIS web application.
  3. When UPB receives the PARIS underpayment adjustment (PUA) and is able to review the signed fully-executed agreement in Web Xtender, UPB will validate the earn code to ensure proper withholding as instructed by the agreement; ensure memos have been added and will process accordingly.

Related Policies and Procedures

4.3.1 Adjust an Employee's Pay (Underpayments)
4.3.3 Process Employee Recognition Awards

Last Updated: March 24, 2021 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: March 2021