University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures

4.2.1 Submit Employee Work Time

Policy Statement

Employees are paid either once a month or every other week (bi-weekly). Their pay is directly deposited into their bank account.

Monthly - Administrative, academic professionals, and graduate assistants are automatically paid monthly, based on their job record in Banner. Units do not need to report their time.


  • Civil Service Exempt Employees- Units do not need to report their time.
  • Civil Service Non-Exempt and Non-Status Appointments*- Units must report hours worked and benefit time used, according to published schedules and deadlines. Units use one of two methods to report employee work time:
    • Banner WEB Time for Employees
    • Department Time Entry

Units with bi-weekly payroll must establish these four necessary roles in Banner:

  • Employees for WEB Time
  • A Department Time Entry Originator
  • A Department Time Entry Approver
  • A Superuser for Time Entry

The unit must approve the time entered in WEB Time and Department Time. Approvers cannot approve their own time. If an Approver is also an hourly employee required to submit time, a Proxy or Superuser other than the designated Approver must approve the Approver’s time.

*Non-status appointments are hourly appointments (e.g., extra help, graduate hourly, academic hourly, and undergrad student positions).


To submit employee work time:

Banner WEB Time for Employees

  1. Employees electronically submit timesheet information which includes regular and overtime hours worked, additional earnings, vacation and sick leave, and other leave usage.
  2. The unit Approver electronically reviews and approves for payment in Banner.
  3. Banner uses that information to calculate direct deposits for employees.

Department Time Entry

  1. The employee submits a paper timesheet to the unit.
  2. The originator enters employee timesheet information in Banner. The information includes regular and overtime hours worked, additional earnings, vacation and sick leave, and other leave usage.
  3. The unit Approver electronically reviews and approves for payment in Banner.
    Note: If the unit Approver is not the immediate supervisor, the employee’s supervisor must review and sign the paper timesheet attesting to the accuracy of the reported hours.
  4. Banner uses that information to calculate direct deposits for employees.

Last Updated: October 19, 2021 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: March 2010