University of Illinois System
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Passenger Vehicles

University of Illinois System Passenger Vehicles

System passenger vehicles for use while on system-related business are assigned by the Transportation Facility for University of Illinois Chicago, the Motor Pool for University of Illinois Springfield, and the Garage and Carpool for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

For rates, instructions, insurance information, locations, and hours see these sites:

There are driver requirements for employees to qualify to drive system motor vehicles. Refer to Business and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual Section 15 Travel for information on driver and department responsibilities.

Personal Passenger Vehicles

Through December 31, 2024, employees may be reimbursed at a rate of 67 cents per mile for their personal passenger vehicle while on approved system business.

Effective January 1, 2025, employees may be reimbursed at a rate of 70 cents per mile for their personal passenger vehicle while on approved system business. 

For additional information and policy on using personal passenger vehicles, see Business and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual Section 15 Travel of the Business and Financial Policies and Procedures manual.

Travel Mileage

Travel mileage begins at your residence or headquarters depending on which one is closer to your destination. For more information, see Headquarters and Travel Status,


Hourly parking, airport parking, and rail station parking will be reimbursed. Employees will not be reimbursed for parking facilities located at their primary worksite.

Preferred Transportation Between Universities

To reduce costs and environmental impact, the preferred method of travel between Chicago and Champaign is UI Ride. The preferred method of travel between Chicago and Springfield is Amtrak or Greyhound (see Inter-University Travel). The state employee discount on Amtrak reduces the cost of one-way travel.