University of Illinois System
Buying & Contracts
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Special Payment Requests

Expedited Payment/Processing Requests

Expedited Payment Requests, previously known as "Pay Today", are for emergency situations where a payment is needed as soon as possible. Please note that same day payment cannot be guaranteed. Expedited payments will rarely be allowed. University Payables (UPAY) will make the final determination.

Expedited processing will not be approved and must follow the regular payment request procedures for the following:

  • Employee reimbursements
  • Human Subject Payments
  • Non-employee travel reimbursement
  • Purchase order payments
  • Refunds
  • Services already rendered
  • Shipping fees
  • Sub-contract award payments
  • Temp Vendor Payments
  • Utility payments
  • Wires or Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to foreign payees

Purchase Order Invoice

The Purchase Order Special Payment Request Form is used to:

  • Initiate prepayment or down-payment on purchase orders, when the down payment is part of the terms and pricing negotiated by Purchasing. A deposit requires a separate line on the purchase order.

  • Request department or other authorized person be called to pick up the check.

  • Request recurring payment setup for repetitively scheduled payments such as rents, leases, or janitorial payments. (This option is generally submitted by Purchasing at the time the order is issued)

  • Request payments for protected information invoices, or to use a summary page for large invoices (over 50 pages).

  • Request payment be made by Wire/Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).

Note: Special Payment Requests should only be used as an exception for payments that require one of these special needs. It is not to be used as a daily payment process.

Forms received by University Payables which do not meet the above criteria will be processed per the terms established on the purchase order. Check pick up will not be available unless a valid business reason as to why the check cannot be mailed is provided with the Special Payment Request Form.

Instructions for completing a Purchase Order Special Payment Request Form for iBuy POs

In iBuy, open the Purchase Order Special Payment Request form. It is located under AP Forms. Follow the instructions listed in the Completing a PO Special Payment Request Form job aid.

Units are encouraged to use the iBuy SPR form instead of the .pdf form for all non-wire requests.

Instructions for completing a Purchase Order Special Payment Request Form for Banner POs

  • Download the Purchase Order Special Payment Request Form to ensure use of the most recent version of the form.

  • Select the University location for your unit.

  • Prepayments/Deposits option should only be selected when a deposit or prepayment is part of the terms and pricing negotiated by Purchasing. A deposit requires a separate line on the purchase order.

  • Summary/Protected Information Invoice option should only be selected for one of the following reasons:

    • A single large, multi-page invoice with a summary page followed by detailed billing information such as hotel or communication invoices. Payment Amount must be included. A summary billing page showing total amount due must be submitted with the special payment form.
    • A single invoice containing confidential information that is restricted by HIPAA, VESA, or FERPA regulations. A summary billing page showing total amount due must be submitted with the special payment form.

      Note: Original detailed billing must be retained in department files for five years and available for audit review. Add a note in the Special Instructions area of the form that the substantiating documentation is being retained in the unit. Including this notation will prevent payment delays.

      The Summary/Protected Information Invoice option is not processed as an accelerated payment, nor should it be used to combine multiple vendor invoices into one Banner invoice record. Each vendor invoice must be accounted for individually in Banner.
  • Recurring option should be selected for transactions that require repetitively scheduled payments such as rents. Recurring payments must be for the same dollar amount, interval between payments, and cannot cross fiscal years. Once recurring payments are established, invoices should not be sent to University Payables.

  • Check Pickup option should be selected when the check cannot be mailed directly to the vendor. A valid business reason for the pickup request must be provided.

  • Wire Transfer box should be checked if applicable.

  • Provide the correct Banner Vendor Number, complete Payee Name, and correct Remittance Address to be used for payment.

  • Vendor Invoice Number and Invoice Date fields should be completed with the vendor-supplied invoice number and date, or other data required by the vendor, to properly identify and apply the payment when received.

  • The correct PO # (purchase order number) must be provided on the form or payment will be delayed. 

  • Provide all Department Contact information with the complete name, 10-digit phone, and email. Do not use only a first name or a 5-digit extension as some extensions are used on multiple Universities.

  • Business Reason for Special Handling must be clearly stated on the form, meet one of the criteria listed above and be approved by University Payables, or payment will be made according to the Purchase order terms.

  • Special instructions must be clearly defined on the form, if applicable.

  • Department Approval must be provided for special payment requests.


The Purchase Order Special Payment Request Form should be completed with at least one of the documents below attached to the email. Email the form and documentation as .pdf or .tif attachments to

  • Original invoice from the vendor.

  • Purchase Order with "deposit" line clearly marked. 

  • Cover sheet showing current charges for Summary/Protected information invoice.


Instructions for completing a Purchase Order Special Payment Request Form for iBuy POs

In iBuy, open the Purchase Order Special Payment Request form. It is located under AP Forms. Follow the instructions listed in the Completing a PO Special Payment Request Form job aid.


Incomplete forms, forms without substantiating documentation, and emails without attachments will not be processed.

University Payables Payment Operations will make every effort to process payment in a timely manner. Units should submit requests as soon as possible in order to avoid delays.

If a sufficient business purpose has been provided and approved by Payables, Special Payment Request checks will be printed for pickup at each University.

Invoice Payments by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)

Electronic Fund transfer (EFT) (also known as Wire Transfers or ACH Payments) are initiated through University Payables by the submission of an original completed and signed Electronic Fund Transfer Form along with the original Request a General Encumbrance/Wire Transfer Payment with back up documentation attached of original vendor invoice, purchase order, or contract.

The Electronic Fund Transfer Form is used to:

  • Send payment by EFT in US or foreign currency.

  • Send a draft payment in a foreign currency (check).

Use of the form is appropriate for the following situations:

  • Invoices from vendors requesting payment in a foreign currency

  • Seminar and conference registrations in foreign countries

  • Study Abroad Program support

  • University-related travel

Instructions on how to properly complete an Electronic Fund Transfer Form

  • It is the responsibility of the department/unit requesting the transfer to complete the form. Payees/vendors may supply the necessary banking and account information, but they should not be asked to complete the form.

  • Electronic Fund Transfer Forms should be typed or data entered on the Excel form, not hand-written.

  • Select Payment Method of Wire Transfer or ACH.

  • Provide the correct Bank Account Number of Payee or correct IBAN (International Bank Account Number). Please see IBAN Number Requirements on EFTs to European and Middle Eastern countries.

  • Provide complete correct information for all fields in the Payee and Bank information sections. Incomplete information will delay processing.

  • Provide the correct Payee Bank ABA Number (for US payments) or SWIFT code (for foreign payments). The Office of Cash Management can answer questions you may have on these codes.

  • It is important to enter the correct Amount of Payment in the Currency you are requesting. When a currency other than US dollars is used, the amount of the transaction will be calculated based on the exchange rate currently offered by the University's bank used for processing the payment. Please note that this rate may differ from rates found on currency exchange websites.

  • Requested Date of Transfer should reflect the appropriate due date. Be sure to allow enough time to process, complete and confirm the transaction prior to the due date, especially if foreign currency is requested.

  • In Additional Reference or Instructions, document any critical data required by the payee to identify the transaction such as a purchase order or encumbrance number, vendor invoice number, or contract number.

  • In Additional Bank or Special Instructions, document use of a second bank, bank branch codes or names, or any special notes provided with the EFT instructions.

  • Provide a complete name and 10-digit phone number in the Name of person to call if questions field.  This should be a University contact, not the payee's information.

  • Department Approval should be an original ink signature or an electronic signature.

  • The payment documentation with approval signatures and required back-up must be scanned and submitted by email with the Electronic Fund Transfer Form or payment will not be processed. The Electronic Fund Transfer Form must be the first page of the payment package to identify the special payment process requested or payment may be delayed.

  • Please attach any banking instructions received from the vendor.

  • The Office of Cash Management is ready and able to assist you if you have questions regarding the IBAN number, SWIFT code, or EFT questions in general. You may contact them at or by phone to 217-244-9621.


Email Electronic Fund Transfer Form and documentation as .pdf or .tif attachments to Include "EFT Request" in the subject line of the email.

If the forms and substantiating documentation cannot be emailed to Payables, they can be faxed to 217-239-6840. However, if the fax is illegible, processing delays can occur.

All original signed documents must be retained in the department files and available for audit review.

Requirements on Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) to European and Middle Eastern Countries

Most EFT payments to European or Middle Eastern countries will require an IBAN number. The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is a standardized format for a number that includes the country identifier, bank identifier, branch identifier and personal bank account. The IBAN should not be confused with the bank's SWIFT code that identifies only the receiving bank. The SWIFT code is also required for a successful EFT to foreign countries.

The Electronic Fund Transfer Form has a field to accommodate this requirement. Failure to provide the IBAN will result in processing delays until an appropriate IBAN can be obtained. Please note that foreign draft requests do not require the use of an IBAN.