University of Illinois System
Buying & Contracts
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Document Management

The University of Illinois System has contracted with Iron Mountain Information Management, LLC (Iron Mountain) to provide document management services. This strategic award leverages an E&I Cooperative solicitation with state authority obtained by the Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC).

Services offered under this contract include:

  • Secure shredding services*
  • Document storage services
  • Records management services*
  • Data management services*
  • Document conversion services
  • Image on Demand services
  • Data restoration services
  • Pathology services

* Please note that the State of Illinois and the System have governing procedures for secure shredding, records management, and data management services. Contact Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) before proceeding.

A Business Associate Agreement (BAA) has been signed with Iron Mountain for services provided under this award. This means Iron Mountain can provide services with documents/information that contains private healthcare information (PHI) as defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).


The contract does not allow purchase of some services and prohibits the storage of certain materials with Iron Mountain.

Services not allowed for purchase under the contract include:

  • Data center colocation services
  • Policy center services
  • Insight consulting services

Materials that cannot be stored with Iron Mountain include:

  • Highly flammable materials
  • Materials that may attract vermin or insects
  • Materials otherwise dangerous or unsafe to store or handle
  • Materials regulated by federal or state law relating to the environment or hazardous materials
  • Negotiable instruments (e.g. checks, money orders, promissory notes)
  • Check stock
  • Other items that have intrinsic value (e.g. jewelry)

Secure Shredding Services

Allowed Materials

  • Only paper-based materials should be placed in Iron Mountain shredding bins.
  • Small paper clips, staples, and binder clips attached to paper-based materials can be deposited in shredding bins.

Prohibited Materials

  • Anything considered toxic, dangerous, or regulated under any federal or state law relating to hazardous materials should not be deposited into secure containers or delivered to Iron Mountain.
  • If Iron Mountain employees must access department premises to perform services, those premises must be free of hazardous substances and hazardous/dangerous conditions.

Data Management and Restoration Services

  • Any data stored with Iron Mountain must have the necessary consent, authorizations and/or legal permissions required to direct and enable Iron Mountain to access, use, and process that data.
  • Users must not disclose, directly or indirectly, technical data from Iron Mountain.

Data Security

Departments and authorized users are responsible for:

  • All changes to and/or deletions of data stored with Iron Mountain.
  • Maintaining the security and confidentiality of all User IDs and other Access Protocols necessary to use and access the service.
  • Securing and backing up data that is stored with Iron Mountain.
  • The accuracy, quality, integrity, reliability, and appropriateness of all data and its compliance with the Google Cloud Platform Acceptable Use Policy as updated.
  • Complying with the acceptable methods and requirements for data transmittal established in a Statement of Work or Documentation and using secure and encrypted protocols.
  • Safeguarding against unauthorized access and encrypting electronic data prior to and during transmission and transfer to Iron Mountain.

Pathology Services

  • Materials delivered to Iron Mountain must not contain any hazardous, toxic, or radioactive materials as defined by all applicable laws or regulations.
  • Assets must only be stored while they serve a useful clinical, diagnostic, or research purpose and must not constitute medical waste.
  • Iron Mountain will provide packaging instructions which must be followed.

Ordering Information

Please access the Iron Mountain Pricing form for pricing, ordering information, and to request a quote.

  • After obtaining a quote for services, submit an iBuy Purchase Requisition Form or Standing Order Form referencing the solicitation number and contract number provided below. The respective Purchasing Division will process the requisition and issue a purchase order.
Vendor Name Iron Mountain Incorporated/Iron Mountain Information Management LLC
Vendor Number @03045350
Solicitation Number IPHEC1913
Contract Number CN-00050967 (service agreement); CN-00054348(BAA)
Contract Term December 17, 2020, through November 30, 2024
Renewal Options One five-year renewal option
Pricing Based on the service(s) being requested
Payment Terms Net 30

Who to Ask

Contact information for the Purchasing offices can be found on the Purchasing & Contract Management About page.

For additional information about records and information management questions, contact Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) at

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