University of Illinois System
Buying & Contracts
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Advertising, Marketing, and Design Services and Products

The University of Illinois System has many diverse advertising and marketing needs to support the requirements of their campuses, departments, end-users, and university related organizations.

Rules and Restrictions for Advertising Expenditures

Allowed Expenditures

University of Illinois System funds may be used for public relations, promoting educational exhibits, informational announcements, official notices, recruitment notices for faculty/staff, and publication of brochures.

The University of Illinois System will not pay for entertainment, community relations, or public relations not directly related to the objectives of the University of Illinois System. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, athletic events, cultural events, conventions, or any other activity not conducted by the University of Illinois System.

State appropriated funds may be used for the following:

  • Brochures giving information about educational opportunities at the University of Illinois System.
  • Informational announcements, such as course offerings
  • Listings of graduate programs in professional journals
  • Notices about educational exhibits
  • Official notices
  • Recruitment notices for faculty and staff

Section 8.1.3 Determine the Allowability of Specific Expenditures of the Policies and Procedures Manual addresses what kinds of advertisements are allowable.

Approval of Advertising Expenditures

The dean or director of the unit involved approves, in advance, the use of state-appropriated funds. As appropriate, the Vice President or Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs also approves, in advance. The proposed advertisement copy should be included when requesting approval.

Advertising for auxiliaries and other quasi-commercial activities

Auxiliaries, enterprises, and activities - Auxiliaries and other quasi-commercial activities may advertise when promoting the sale of a commodity or a service that may provide increased revenue to the University of Illinois System. The cost of the advertising is offset by income realized. State-appropriated funds may not be used for this purpose.

Did you mean?

If you are looking for information specifically about printing advertising material, please see the Printing page for more information.

Existing Contracts

For online digital advertising and marketing services, the System Purchasing and Support Services has awarded contracts to eleven (11) vendors for immediate use.

The scope of these awards includes basic marketing advice and the use of all available marketing services to provide, implement, and manage all advertising and marketing campaigns and programs from inception to execution. The range of services includes but is not limited to:

  • Strategic planning and research
  • Brand and messaging development
  • Media and public relations
  • Social media and other digital marketing
  • Content development and creation, including copywriting, graphics, video, and audio.
  • Web design and development, as well as related services such as user experience, accessibility, and information architecture related services.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) and analytics

For more information regarding ordering and detailed information about each awarded vendor, including the contract number, vendor number, and contact information, please view or download the ISLE1703 Online Digital Award Information PDF.

In addition to online digital advertising and marketing services, you can see other vendors with contracts for "Advertising and Marketing Products" in the Strategic Procurements Contracts and Awards document.

Who to Ask

Contact information for the Purchasing offices can be found on the Purchasing & Contract Management About page.