University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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8.2.5 Request Non-Employee Reimbursement

Policy Statement

Non-employees who incur travel and business-related expenses on behalf of the University of Illinois System when supporting the system's mission of teaching, research, and public service may be reimbursed in accordance with IRS-accountable plan rules. Non-employees are not reimbursed unless they are providing a service, or their presence is required at a system event. The system will pay these expenses if the business purpose of the activity or event and the contribution of the non-employee are fully documented. That documentation must include how the dominant purpose of the event served the system's business needs and how the non-employee spent a substantial amount of time assisting that business purpose.

The expense must be approved by the unit head or delegate before it is incurred. Instruct the payee to keep receipts for all expenses. Even though the payee is not a system employee, to achieve proper accounting standards, the reimbursement should still be submitted within 60 days.

Non-employees must be reimbursed through University Payables.

Reimbursement for Spouse, Dependent or Guest of the President and Chancellors - The President and chancellors often perform official duties in such areas as development, and alumni and governmental relations that may require the presence of their spouses. This includes events when the spouses of the system's guests will be present.


To request non-employee reimbursement:

  1. Determine whether the payee has a Banner vendor number.
  2. Log in to Chrome River. On the Invoices ribbon select +Create.

    If the payee has a Banner vendor number the vendor will appear in the drop-down menu.  Begin typing the vendor name for related vendors to ber available for selection.

    If the payee does not have a Banner vendor number, in the Vendor Name field, select +Create Temporary Vendor.
  3. Proceed through the screens. Consult the Chrome River job aid for step-by-step instructions, including how to submit the receipts.
  4. University Payables (UPAY) reviews the request and processes for payment.

19 Contracts

Chrome River Resource Page
IRS Accountable Plan Rules in Definitions
University Payables Training Materials
IRS Publication 463, Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses

Last Updated: January 23, 2023 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: September 2012