6.1.4 Determine Personal Aircraft Insurance Limits
Policy Statement
The University does not cover any employee's legal responsibility or liability when using personal aircraft, even if used or chartered for University business. If you are planning to request reimbursement for your flying expenses, your signature on the Employee Travel/Miscellaneous Reimbursement form certifies that you have liability insurance in the correct amounts. If you are not planning to be reimbursed, you must still carry liability insurance.
To determine personal aircraft insurance limits:
- Confirm your travel plans with your immediate supervisor, dean, or director.
- Carry aircraft liability insurance on your personal aircraft in at least these amounts:
- If you are piloting and taking just yourself, or piloting and taking one other University or state employee for University business - $500,000
- If you are piloting and taking two or more University or state employees for University business - $1,000,000
- If you are an employee providing quasi-charter transportation for a University unit, and piloting your personal or other private aircraft, you must have the certifications and carry aircraft liability insurance in at least these amounts:
- Up to 4 passengers - $5,000,000
- 5 to 7 passengers - $10,000,000
- 8 to 15 passengers - $25,000,000
Forms Used in This Procedure
Travel/Employee Expense Reimbursement (ERV)
Last Updated: January 31, 2011 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: November 2010