University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures

5.2.6 Process (Assess) Study Abroad Charges in Banner AR

Policy Statement

All participant charges for all University of Illinois System-sponsored study abroad programs must be assessed in Banner AR unless payment is required in advance. These charges and accounting requirements are outlined in Account for Study Abroad and Other Unique Instructional Activities.

When payment is required in advance, units must first be approved as a cash handling unit. Units that accept credit card payments must also be approved as a merchant card unit.


To assess study abroad charges in Banner AR:

  1. If this is a new study abroad program, work with the Office of the Registrar to ensure that all tuition-related charges are assessed to students at registration.
  2. Ensure you have Banner C-FOAPs for each type of charge you are assessing. If not, submit Banner FOAPAL Request Forms.
  3. Ensure that you have a Detail Code for each type of charge you are assessing in Banner AR. If not, submit a Detail Code Request form. If you need assistance, contact Accounts Receivable Operations (ARO) at
  4. Ensure that all participants in all system-sponsored study abroad programs are enrolled at the system as degree or non-degree students.
  5. Check that none of the participating students have a past due SAR balance of more than $200. If you are unsure how to do this, contact ARO at Students who owe the system more than $200 may not register for system-sponsored study abroad programs for academic credit.
  6. If an external organization is responsible for payment, consult with ARO to determine if the charges will be billed as General Accounts Receivable (GAR) or third party. (In third party billing, charges are first assessed to the student's account, then to the organization's account, at which time the student's account is credited.)
  7. Manually enter all charges not assessed at registration. Select the Banner form based on the number of charges:
    • Individual or small volume assessments - Banner form TSAMASS.
    • Recurring high-volume assessments - Banner "feeder". For information about creating a feeder, contact ARO.
  8. If you used a Banner feeder to submit the charges, verify the transactions using Interface Error Reports (FIINTERFAC) in Mobius View (formerly View Direct).

Fixing Erroneous Charges

If your unit has entered an erroneous charge, you must correct the error:

  • If your unit overcharged, post a negative charge to the account in Banner AR.
  • If your unit undercharged, post an additional charge to the account in Banner AR.

Forms Used in this Procedure

Detail Code Request
Banner FOAPAL Request Forms at Accounting & Financial Reporting Forms, Banner FOAPAL

Related Policies and Procedures

Account for Study Abroad and Other Unique Instructional Activities
10.1.1 Obtain Approval as a Cash Handling Unit
21.1.2 Become a Merchant Unit
5.2.1 Obtain Access to Banner Accounts Receivable (Banner AR)

Last Updated: January 10, 2019 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: March 2010