5.2.3 Process (Assess) Non-Student (General GAR) Charges in Banner Accounts Receivable (Banner AR)
Policy Statement
The University of Illinois System prefers payment for goods and services at or before the point of sale. If payment is not required at that point, the unit must have a sound business reason before extending credit. Be aware that extending credit does not guarantee repayment.
Units must assess all customer charges in Banner Accounts Receivable (Banner AR) no later than 30 days after providing the good or service to the customer. If documented circumstances beyond a unit’s control prevents a unit from meeting the 30-day assessment deadline, the unit must email Accounts Receivable Operations (ARO) at aroperations@uillinois.edu to request an exemption.
There is no minimum charge amount; however University Bursar does not send bills when the balance is less than $5.00.
Reason for the Policy
Assessment of all customer (non-student) charges in Banner AR no later than 30 days after providing the good or service to the customer is required to maintain accounting best practices.
Applicability of the Policy
Assessment of all non-student charges in Banner AR.
To assess non-student charges in Banner AR:
For help creating an internal invoicing system, contact ARO for sample invoices at aroperations@uillinois.edu.
Enter the invoice number. Without an invoice number, Banner AR will automatically assign one for billing purposes. If no invoicing system exists, the unit must still create and maintain an auditable method of documenting charges in the event that a customer disputes a charge or requests a detailed explanation of a charge.
- Use the unit's invoicing or record-keeping system to create and maintain detailed documentation of all charges assessed in Banner AR.
- Send a copy of the invoice or equivalent documentation to the customer.
- If the customer account does not exist, submit a GAR Account Creation Request form.
- Ensure a Banner C-FOAP exists for each type of charge being assessed. If no Banner C-FOAP exists, submit.
- Ensure a Detail Code exists for each type of charge assessed in Banner AR. If no Detail Code exists, submit a Detail Code Request form. For assistance, contact ARO at aroperations@uillinois.edu. (Banner detail codes identify each receivable transaction as a charge or payment.)
- Enter the charge in Banner AR using one of these methods:
- Individual or small volume assessments—Banner form TFADETL
- Same amount to more than one account—TFAMASS
- Recurring high-volume assessments—Banner "feeder." For information about creating a feeder, contact ARO at aroperations@uillinois.edu.
- If a Banner AR feeder is used to submit the charges, verify the transactions using Interface Error Reports (FIINTERFAC) in Mobius View (formerly View Direct; VPN access required).
Fixing Erroneous Charges
Any erroneous charges must be corrected as soon as possible after discovery of error (University Bursar does not make these corrections):
- For overcharges, post a negative charge to the account in Banner AR.
- For undercharges, post an additional charge to the account in Banner AR.