19.5 Contract Filing
Policy Statement
Contracts that are signed by a unit head per 19.2.1 Standard Contract Templates, must be retained by that unit and do not have to be filed with either UCRO or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Contracts that are not signed by a unit head must be filed with either the University Contract Records Office (UCRO) or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
Reason for the Policy
The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is responsible for maintaining the central contract repository for the system. The secretary has designated central contract repository responsibilities to the University Contract Records Office (UCRO), except for legal settlements, real estate sales and acquisitions, and certain employment agreements which are filed directly with the Secretary’s Office.
Applicability of the Policy
This policy applies to all University of Illinois System contracts.
Recording and Filing
All contracts, regardless of funding (revenue, expenditure, or no funds), that require the comptroller’s signature must be filed in Contracts+, unless otherwise provided for in this policy.
To meet system and state of Illinois filing requirements, units not developing and routing contracts within Contracts+ must ensure that all fully-executed contracts, along with any approval routing forms (when required), are filed with UCRO within seven calendar days after execution.
All other contracts, excluding university purchase orders and those designated below as Contracts that do NOT need to be filed with UCRO, are required to be filed with the UCRO within seven calendar days after the date of last signature.
Contracts for legal settlements, real estate sales and acquisitions, and certain employment agreements are filed directly with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.