19.2.1 Standard Contract Templates
Policy Statement
Standard contract templates are contract templates that have been drafted by a contract processing office and pre-approved as to legal form and validity by the Office of University Counsel and whose pre-approved language has not been altered. Standard contract templates should be used to facilitate common business transactions and to expedite the contract process.
Each standard contract template should be approved by the Office of University Counsel at least every four years or sooner to reflect changes in law, policy, or interpretations.
Reason for the Policy
Standard contract templates may expedite the contract process for common business transactions.
Applicability of the Policy
This policy applies to all University of Illinois System contracts.
Units must follow the correct procedure to process and sign standard contract templates.
If a standard contract template is altered, it becomes a non-standard contract and must be processed following 19.2.2 Non-Standard Contracts.
Standard Contract Templates under $10,000 that May Be Signed by a Unit Head
The following pre-approved standard contract templates, if unaltered, do not need to be submitted to Contracts+ or a contract processing office for review and affixing of the Comptroller's signature. Instead, the Comptroller has delegated signature authority to unit heads for the below unaltered pre-approved standard contract templates, provided they are used consistent with their intended purposes and any use parameters. This signature delegation cannot be further delegated. The unit head signs the Comptroller’s name and their own name as described in 19.4 Comptroller Contract Signature Authority and Delegation. A unit head is a department head or higher. Some units do not have department heads; some small colleges do not have departments. When there are only college-level offices for administration, signature should be that of the dean or associate dean as unit head. Units must retain a copy of the fully signed contract. These contracts are not submitted to the University Contract Records Office (UCRO), as outlined in 19.5 Contract Filing.
System-wide Standard Contract Templates under $10,000
Urbana-Champaign university-wide Standard Contract Templates
Unit-specific Standard Contract Templates under $10,000
- Contract processing offices and the Office of University Counsel coordinate with individual units to create contract templates when there is a demonstrated business need. Comptroller signature authority for unit-specific standard contract templates under $10,000 must be granted in writing by the Assistant Vice President for Budget and Business Operations prior to use. Units should contact the appropriate contract processing office for additional information.
Standard Contract Templates that Must be Signed through a Contract Processing Office
All standard contract templates not identified above as being signable by a unit head must be submitted to the correct contract processing office for review and affixing of the Comptroller's signature.
Standard contract templates processed through Contracts+ should be submitted by units using the Contract Request Form in Contracts+. For additional questions contact the appropriate university or system purchasing office.
Contact the appropriate University Office of Capital Programs, Real Estate and Utility Services for standard contract templates relating to capital programs and real estate.