Close a Subaward
Policy Statement
The University of Illinois may issue a subaward to a subrecipient for the purpose of performing a portion of the scope of work under an award for a sponsored project. In issuing a subaward, the University assumes responsibility for the oversight of programmatic and financial activities of subrecipient throughout the life of the subaward, including but not limited to the determination of subrecipient versus contractor, assessing subrecipient’s capacity to perform, and subrecipient’s compliance with award terms. The Principal Investigator shall be responsible for confirming the subrecipient performs the awarded scope of work and all costs are reasonable and in accordance with the terms of the award.
Before you Begin
An integral component of subrecipient monitoring is closeout of the subaward at the end of the project period. At this point is when the Principal Investigator (PI) determines that the subrecipient has fulfilled all of its responsibilities under the subaward. The final invoice should not be paid until the subrecipient has met all subaward requirements.
To close a subaward, the PI, unit business manager, and Grants and Contracts office fulfill the responsibilities described below.
The Principal Investigator and Unit Business Manager:
- Ensure that all programmatic or technical reports have been submitted in accordance with the subaward terms and conditions, and performance goals have been achieved.
- Obtain, review, and process a final invoice from the subrecipient within the timeframe specified in the subaward.
- Verify that the subrecipient’s cost sharing commitments have been satisfied, as applicable.
The Grants and Contracts Office:
- Liquidate any remaining subaward encumbrance.
Forms Used in this Procedure
(Optional) Subrecipient Monitoring Checklist
Last Updated: July 7, 2015 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance - July 7, 2015