University of Illinois System
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University Contract Records Office

The University Contract Records Office (UCRO) is a unit within the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Procurement Services. UCRO acts as the official repository for all University of Illinois System contracts. UCRO oversees the system-wide contract repository database(s), organize the storage of physical documents, (as needed), and file contracts, in accordance with state statute, with the Illinois Secretary of State and the Illinois Office of the Comptroller.

We provide assistance to units on all three universities and System Offices units on a variety of issues including, but not limited to:

  • Importing/recording fully executed electronic and paper contracts in Contracts+
  • Special treatment of confidential contracts in Contracts+
  • Requests for information from contract repository databases including Contracts+
  • Oversight and maintenance of fully executed contract records in Contracts+, including updates to properties, as needed