Operations Support
Budget and Finance
Operations Support assists System Offices units by entering the department’s budget into Banner, processing JVs, automating, and customizing monthly reports, assistance with closing orgs, and providing detailed monthly statement reconciliation services.
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- Budget
Operation support reviews an organization’s prior years spend and recommends allocations for the next fiscal year. This includes entering and posting budget allocations into the Banner budget tool. Operations Support acts as a liaison with UAFR to ensure the unit’s budget entry is complete.
- Journal Vouchers
We process transactions in Banner using the Journal Voucher function and provide confirmation that the transaction is complete.
- ReconciliationWe provide Financial Activity Reporting upon request or as scheduled. Recommended reports include:
- Revenue/Expense Transactions
- Revenue/Expense Detail Statement
- Payroll Expense by Person Month End
- Payroll Encumbrance by Person Month End
- Please contact us at any time for assistance.
Business Continuity
Operations Support assists System Offices units to ensure accurate, comprehensive, and up to date business continuity plans are on file.
Card Services
Operations Support operates as a Department Card Manager for System Offices customers.
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- Department Card Manager Responsibilities
The operations support team is responsible for supervising, administering, and monitoring the card programs for assigned business unit(s), including but not limited to:
- Auditing transactions and addressing non-compliant card activity
- Verifying signatures and approval authority level(s) on the P-Card and T-Card Authorizations/Agreement and Application Information forms and the P-Card and T-Card Exception Request forms, before each is submitted to UPAY Card Services for processing
- Submitting the electronic applications for the P-Card and T-Card to UPAY Card Services using the P-Card Web Solution (P-Card Software) or T-Card Solution (TCS)
- Using TCS or P-Card Software to submit modifications to existing Cardholder profiles and limits
- Notifying UPAY Card Services, collecting cards, and ensuring outstanding transactions are reconciled for employees who leave their unit or the U of I System, or no longer need a card
Event Planning
Operations Support assists System Offices with reserving spaces, arranging catering, and providing pre/post administrative event assistance for events. This unit will assist you in determining the size, scope, and needs for each event and coordinate services and support. We provide pre-planning assistance with meetings and events and will work with you prior to the event to develop the agenda.
You can submit a request for service using the Event Planning Request Form.
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Event Planning services include the following. Please contact us at least 45 days prior to your event, or as soon as an event date is established.
- Finding conference date options
- Assisting with invitation list and communication plan
- Assisting with procuring items for events
- Processing requisitions as needed
- Researching conference location options
- Room set-up arrangement
- Finding equipment options for events
- Ordering food and drinks
- Arranging meal delivery
- Meal payments (Pay with T-Card and JV to your CFOAPAL later)
- Communicating with attendees about food restrictions
- Arranging Travel and Transportation
- Booking guest hotel rooms
Inventory Services
Operations Support assists System Offices with equipment information in FABweb and coordinating Biennial Inventory.
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- FABWeb Support and Biennial Roles
Operations Support assists departments with keeping fixed asset data current. We will help process new acquisitions that require a Property Tag (PTag), update existing assets with a P-Tag, transfer assets with PTags to other units, process surplus, provide fixed asset reports, and assist with biennial inventory. This includes Operations Support printing fixed asset reports from EDDIE. Also, Operations Support can assist in an advisory role during the inventory process. Please contact us at any time for assistance.
Operations Support assists System Offices with purchasing and payment processing activities such as purchase order creation, invoice processing, P-Card transactions and reconciliations, Reimbursements, Create Campus Ship labels, and iBuy ordering.
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Operations Support reviews order logs and receipts for accuracy and compliance, including allowability of the charge, and correct account code selection. Discrepancies, such as transactions without sufficient documentation will be brought to the unit's attention, along with recommendations to resolve the issue. Operations Support assists with the following:
- Closing purchase orders
- Credit card payments with P-Card or T-Card
- iBuy Shopper and Requestor
- P-Card Reconciling
- Creating expense reports in Chrome River
- Assist with expense report questions and compliance
- Charge code reviewer function within Chrome River
- Receiving purchase orders in Banner
- Requisition Processing
- Assist with updating vendor information when needed
- Processes Journal Voucher transactions in Banner
- Assists with travel arrangements, lodging, and transportation
- Assists with catering needs
Please contact us at least 45 days prior to your travel and catering needs, or as soon as possible.
Operations Support acts as Unit Security Contact (USC) to process security, telecommunications, and Pinnacle requests.
To establish access for new employees, please use the Employee Security Access Request Form. For telecommunications requests, please use the Teams Phone Request Form.
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- Security
Operations Support serves as Unit Security Contact to process security requests. This includes submitting requests for staff to have access to files, databases, email addresses, calendars, applications, and systems.
- Pinnacle and Telecommunication Requests
Operations Support assists with Pinnacle and telecommunication requests. This includes assisting systems offices with submitting requests through the Pinnacle application for Microsoft Teams access. Please contact us for assistance.
Travel and Reimbursements
Operations Support aids System Offices with travel arrangements including car rental, hotel and miscellaneous reimbursements, flight reservations, food, and act as a Delegate in Chrome River.
Operations Support arranges travel and books guest hotel rooms. This includes arranging flights and ground transportation such as university cars or buses. Operations support assists with adjusting or cancelling travel arrangements. Also, Operations Support assists with conference registrations. Please contact us at least 45 days prior to your trip, or as soon as a travel date is established.
To request assistance with travel reimbursements, please use the Chrome River Reconciliation and Reimbursement Form.