University of Illinois System
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Instructional Design

Job aids

Job aids are documents that capture the steps to complete a specific task. We usually schedule time with our customers to show us the task, document steps, and apply our System Training formatting. Typically, the amount of time to create a job aid on one basic task is not lengthy. Please contact us about a week in advance for assistance.

Participant Guides

Participant guides are companion documents that usually accompany live training, either online or face-to-face. In addition to including step-by-step instructions and policy explanations, participant guides often include best practices, simulations, and case study examples. We also will assist with additional materials to accompany the participant guide including PowerPoints or job aids. The amount of time needed depends on the length of the topic. Please contact us about a month in advance for assistance.

Web-based Training

Web-based trainings are asynchronous, stand-alone courses that are required to gain access to a system, certification, pre-requisite to another required course, or required for certification. The time needed to create a web-based training is lengthy due to the complexity of the software used and may take a few months or longer to complete. Please contact us as soon as possible for more information.


Webinars typically involve a live session where a facilitator displays a PowerPoint or simulation of an application and answers questions live. We can assist with all components of creating a successful webinar including development of a script, PowerPoint, pre-recorded video, and rehearsal. Please contact us at least five weeks in advance for assistance.


Videos are stand-alone recordings with closed captioning that usually involve a facilitator discussing a system or explaining a process. We assist with creating the script, PowerPoint, and recording of screens and audio. Depending on the length and complexity of your request, we ask that you contact us six weeks or more in advance for assistance.

Updates to Existing Materials

We in SOSS also update existing training materials. The length of time to update existing materials depends on the complexity of the update requested. Please contact us as soon as possible when requesting updates.

Who to Ask

To request any of our services, please email us at and we will respond to your request within one business day.