Where can I find more information about UINs and i-cards?
Refer to i-card Programs' website for information about UINs.
Is the University ID card a government-issued ID card?
No. University ID cards, such as i-cards, are not intended as substitutes for government-issued photo IDs. They identify relationships to the University of Illinois such as student, faculty, staff, visitor, and program participant.
May we use the i-card image or logo?
No, not without permission. The i-card logo and the term "i-card" in the form of an "i" followed by a hyphen followed by the word "card" are trademarks of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Use of images of cards or tokens, the i-card logo, and card/token templates is prohibited without the written permission of i-card Programs.
Why can't we issue our own card for the service we are going to provide our customers?
i-card Programs' mission and responsibility is to minimize the number of cards and tokens people need to carry to access services. Rarely is a new card type or token needed for any token-based service. Work with the i-card Programs office to meet your needs.
Last Updated: June 19, 2017 | Approved: Senior Associate Vice President for Business and Finance | Effective: January 2002